Õnnelikult abielus!:)
Pulmapildid asuvad SIIN
Tere tulemast meie pulmade kodulehele.
Siit leiad infot nii pulmapäeva enda, kui ka meie kohta.
Leht täieneb igal võimalusel, nii et ära unusta seda aeg ajalt uuesti külastada.
Leht täieneb igal võimalusel, nii et ära unusta seda aeg ajalt uuesti külastada.
---pruudi blogi leiad siit---
Welc ome to our webpage.
You can find information about the wedding day and about us.
The page is being updated often, so visit us again.
The sign above leads to the brides blog, which is in estonian. If you still want to know what it is about, use google translator:)
Welc ome to our webpage.
You can find information about the wedding day and about us.
The page is being updated often, so visit us again.
The sign above leads to the brides blog, which is in estonian. If you still want to know what it is about, use google translator:)